Kim Chamberlain
Author & Spiritual Channel

Benefits of Meditation
While there are many forms of meditation, the main aim when meditating is to allow yourself to go into quietness.
Spending time in meditation, especially on a regular basis, can help in many ways.
It can:
Reduce stress and increase feelings of calmness and peace
Bring insights
Help with decision making
Help with manifestation
Allow you to tap into your intuition
Increase self awareness
Help with mental and emotional health
Increase feelings of kindness and compassion, for self and others
To gain the most benefit, gift yourself uninterrupted time, ideally when you know you will not be disturbed.
Create a calm and relaxing environment. You may like to dim the lights and light a candle. Ensure the room temperature is right for you.
Make yourself comfortable in a way that won't make you fall asleep. You can sit with your spine upright, your feet on the floor, and hands on your legs, with palms upright. Or you may like to lie down with your head supported.
Ask for protection, and for your guides to help you become open to the energies.
These guided meditations have been channelled from Spirit, and take several minutes each. They are based on the chakra energies.
You will find more meditations accompanying the monthly newsletters
Chakra Meditations
Meditation with crystal
A meditation for spiritual enhancement. Tune into your crystal and ask a question you would like to have answered.
For this meditation, please hold a crystal - or crystals - of your choice. If you don't have access to a crystal, simply hold the image of a crystal in your mind.
How do I make a decision?
A meditation from your guides who share with you the fundamentals that will enable you to make any decision in your life.
How do I express what I need to?
By calling on the energy of a time when you have communicated confidently and competently, you can build your ability to express yourself fully.
Six aspects of the heart
Where you can tune into the energies of six aspects of your heart: its joy; its hopes and fears; its dreams; its strengths; its hurts; and its unconditional love.
Reach for the thought that feels better
Become aware of the negative thoughts and feelings you are holding, and then release the negativity, transmute it into positive energy, and be able to reach for the thought that feels better.
How can I have a greater impact?
Firstly, become aware of the impact you have already made.
Then by tuning into your soul to gain a better understanding of your purpose this lifetime, you can become aware of how to make a greater impact.
If you are feeling lost or unsettled
A meditation to help you calm the nervous system, let the energy flow, and become aware of the deep message you are being given so that you can move along a clearer, peaceful path in the direction you are here to take.
Meditation for Channelling
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