Kim Chamberlain
Author & Spiritual Channel
Personal Development Books

Woman to Woman: 1000 Conversation Starters for Talking about Anything provides a broad and stimulating range of conversation openers that give women the opportunity to have enlightening sessions in ways that lead to expanding the boundaries of knowledge and building lasting relationships.
Available from:
Barnes & Noble

Providing techniques to analyse conversations, Conversation Starters will enable you to develop creativity by taking your brain to a space where originality can flourish, by enhancing problem-solving skills, and by improving conversation and listening skills. Even if you wouldn’t describe yourself as “creative,” this book will give you the chance to think and express yourself in innovative and productive ways.
Available From:
Barnes & Noble

For the growing population of grandparents, help is here in this very practical handbook for seniors who babysit, visit or spend time with youngsters. As well as the topics, it also includes ways to create safe and friendly environments in which to initiate a chat, selecting age-appropriate conversation openers, avoiding sensitive issues, and developing listening as well as speaking skills.
Available From:
Barnes & Noble

Successful Woman is a practical toolkit for success from six experts in their fields. This easy to read book contains practical tips you can start implementing today. Whether you are just starting out or well on the way to success you will find this book a valuable resource: Successful thinking; Successful Time Management; Successful Health & Fitness; Successful Money Management; Successful Speaking; Successful Image.
"A very useful and well written book that helps you in all areas of your life. It's great to know that other women have the same issues as I do and have found solutions. Very encouraging- and an absolute bargain!"
Available From: Amazon

Better Speaking Better Thinking is based on a concept that has produced some impressive results worldwide. You can improve your speaking skills and confidence through the strategies and practice topics in the book.
The ‘how to’ of speaking skills: building your confidence; speaking effectively; answering questions
Techniques for impromptu speaking: how to speak with impact and avoid rambling
A case study: Marie’s journey from feelings of nervousness and inadequacy to increased confidence and competence - and the techniques she used
500 speaking practice topics, varying in subject matter, difficulty, and types of speaking
Comprehensive guidelines for gaining benefit from the topics
This book can also help you improve your thinking skills and general knowledge.
Available as a PDF - email me for your copy

The 5 Minute Brain Workout is a brain training book for lovers of Word & Language games and puzzles, providing enough exercises for a year’s worth of fun and brain stretching. It includes some familiar exercises along with lots of new ones, offering many different types of games and puzzles, each with 10 examples, generally increasing in difficulty. See if you can reach Level 10!
Available From:
Barnes & Noble

365 Games & Puzzles to Keep Your Mind Sharp is perfect for lovers of word and language games and puzzles, providing enough short, sharp exercises for a year’s worth of fun and brain stretching. Using the same format as The Five-Minute Brain Workout, it will further develop your skills.
Available From:
Barnes & Noble

The Your Business Journey workbook guides women in small business through a 12-module business development programme where you can map your pathway to business and personal growth. A practical journal that provides inspiration as well as information, along with spaces for you to record, evaluate, analyse and plan.
Available From:
Chrysalis for Women
Barnes & Noble

The second 'Your Business Journey' workbook.
Similar to the first workbook it guides women in small business through a 12-module business development programme.
"Kim and Iona have created a holistic and easy to follow workbook appropriate for all business journeys. The workbook is practical with easy to follow calls to action. It provides opportunity for reflection and growth throughout. This workbook is an excellent tool for someone starting out in business or someone wanting to review where their business is at." Maree
Available From:

Just like our bodies, our brain functions best when it’s put to work. So get ready to give your brain a full workout each day with The Five-Minute Brain Workout for Kids! Inside, you’ll find 365 fabulous word puzzles and games ranging from easy to difficult to keep your mind active and in great shape.
Available From:

‘Pav Deconstructed: Pavlova through the eyes of everyday Kiwis’ is a 252-page, coffee-table-style, hardcover book… and is most definitely not a cookbook. It has over 170 individual pieces of art and text, including cartoons, photos, paintings and prints, poems, true stories, not-so-true stories, plays, charts, quotes, and newspaper clippings. Even a song for the ukulele!
I am fortunate to be one of the contributors to this amazing anthology.
Available From: Pavlova Press

From July 2008 to August 2010 I was on sabbatical with my family in a small town in East Africa. Taking a risk: A year in Uganda is an e-book documenting the experiences we had during our first 12 months.
What are people saying about it?
“I read it all in one go and I was in open-mouthed, goggle-eyed disbelief the whole way through.”
“Here I am at work - been here for ages and not done a scrap of work because I've been reading your fantastic book for the past 2 hours. Love it! ”
Currently being updated
Free E-Booklets

The Christmas Book
A short booklet to use during the Christmas season, containing games and puzzles, humour, activities such as story writing or simple recipes, Christmas websites, and more...
Download your free copy here