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Newsletter August 2024 - Nothing is Small


(Channelled from my spirit guides)

As a generalisation humans tend to see things that are small as unimportant or insignificant.

We would like to explain to you that nothing is small; everything has a vibrational frequency and even if, for example, an action is small its vibrational frequency may be very large.

Let's say you do a tiny act of kindness for someone and think little of it; the difference it could make to the other person could be vast and could even last for their entire life.

If you take even a couple of minutes out of your day to do a lovely meditation, you might not think it makes much difference, but if your mind goes elsewhere for a period of time - in spiritual terms the time may be vast, somewhat like going to Narnia where human time is short but that time elsewhere could be enormous.

If you only have a small amount of time to spend with someone and would like to spend more with them, simply format the energy so that the time you are with them will bring about changes that will be long-lasting and very beneficial for that person.

And if you are suffering from a lack of confidence or lack of feelings of self-worth, know that any step forward to build your confidence or feelings of self-worth no matter how tiny, is absolutely worthwhile.

Nothing is small.

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In this recorded message, Spirit helps you gain a greater understanding of who you really are and what you can do to bring out your greatness.
To access the recording, click on the image below. 


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Kim Chamberlain
Kapiti Coast, New Zealand

© 2023 Kim Chamberlain. All Right Reserved.

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