Kim Chamberlain
Author & Spiritual Channel

Spiritual Readings
If you’re looking for guidance on life issues, or have questions you would like answered, a one-on-one spiritual reading can help.
It can be challenging if you don’t know the path to take, why things are happening in your life, or what your purpose is.
I’m an intuitive reader, and work with you, spirit guides and spiritual energy to tap into knowledge and wisdom to bring through answers that can give you clarity and direction.
Readings generally take around an hour, and I create a calm, peaceful environment where the reading feels like a friendly conversation. I’ll explain anything I pick up as I tap into the energy, and will ask for answers to any questions you come along with.
A reading may bring out events from the past, or your past lives, that have relevance for you today; it may raise your awareness of issues you didn’t know about; it can provide suggestions for ways to move forward in your life; and it can help with your spiritual growth.
The reading tends to be a 3-way conversation with you, me, and Spirit. Spirit likes you to be involved in the conversation as it helps with your understanding. They ask you questions via me, and then provide insights for you.
I offer spiritual readings in person from my base in Kapiti, New Zealand, and also online.